New Features January to Spring 2023

Dickens is an opportunity to build a knowledge base regarding interactions with a donor, funder or advocate. We have updated your ability to add Dickens entries through Q-Xpress View using the Assign features.

Dickens and Organizational History

We have added a new Feature to Q-Xpress Assign which impacts DICKENS!

You are now able to globally assign a Dickens entry to a set of select records from Q-Xpress View.

Want to send a reminder or follow-up message to a group of donors, this update makes it easy!

Please watch the Video found under Dickens in your @EASE Tutorials.

Donations Received Prior to your Current Fiscal Year

We have updated the U2M functionality and Delete actions in @EASE.

New Donation Given Prior to the Current Fiscal Year

A donation arrives but it is from a prior fiscal year. You are now able to run U2M on that gift whether charitable or not and @EASE will add the donation to the right year and the right year of the Campaign Donation total and Contribution total. The donors record will be updated according to the Campaign’s Donation Type and where applicable update the donor’s donation count for the year.

Deleting a Donation which has U2M in a previous Fiscal Year

@EASE will now remove all evidence of the gift from the Campaign and the donor’s record for the fiscal year being affected.

No longer will we need to reset the fiscal year and re-run totals for all years from the year being modified to the current year. YEAH!

Significant Other and Shared Donor Summary Identifier

Kate and Robert are a Significant Other couple with a Shared Donor Summary.

Note Robert Bell is identified.
Note Kate George is identified
Note the Company owned by Kate and Robert identifies the Shared Donor Summary as Roberts