Reporting Questions and Answers from @EASE Users
Knowing how to find what you are looking for requires that you know the software. The following questions were submitted by clients and we responded through a PDF document which you can download.
Here are the questions they asked:
How to Identify lapsed, current, etc… I am not sure how far back to go for lapsed. Roxanne
I still can’t remember how to run my donor board information. I need it sorted by groups ( $100,000 and above, $50,000-99,999; $25-49,000, $10,000-24,999; $5,000-9,999; $1,000-4,999; and $500-999.) Then alpha sorted with both Corporate and individuals included in this sort. Linda
How to quickly and efficiently create a Constant Contact mailing list of all donors who have donated $100 or more for a minimum of any 3 years in the past 5 years. Barbara
Can we get a report of pledges that shows the name of the monthly donor, the amount of the donation, and the method of payment. Deanne
Donors who have given over a certain amount in a given time period. Suzanne
I would like to see a report on who donated and how much they donated to our Starlite Campaign over the past 5 years, Both corporate and private donors. Brenna
Total number of donors for a particular year/quarter. Wendy
How can a create a report of donations from a certain year that are only from one area (i.e., Alberta)? Casey