Recording 50/50 Employee Participants

In this case, the client asked how they could record by calendar year those employees participating in the 50/50 draw.

We suggested using a Membership because it has a date attached for you.

We have three sample Memberships we entered for this purpose:

2022 50/50 Participant

2023 50/50 Participant

2024 50/50 Participant

When an employee was signed up the Membership would be added to their Profile with the date they became active.

It is critical to understand that employees needed to sign up each year so the Membership in one year did not carry over to the next.

To find all Members in a current year, Q-Xpress Donor Selection /Donor by Membership is used.

The same selection is used to find participants who have been members in a series of years but with an AND option.

In the selection above the Date Range is critical to find all participants by calendar year, and selecting all of the Membership codes applied. By using the AND option only participants that had each of the Membership values in the date range provided were selected.

The View below shows the participants selected with the Membership value in the Profile Description and the date they signed up in the Profile Date.

The results of the request showed: