Using Q-Xpress Preview

You have a list of records selected through Q-Xpress. It maybe a list of potential sponsors for your next event. 

A quick phone list might be handy. Using Q-Xpress you select a list of sponsors by pulling a list of all past event sponsors.

To create a listing of organization names and numbers use the Preview button found on the right-hand vertical menu.

Click on Review and the Print Options menu appears.

The first order is to select the printer. In this case a PDF printer was selected.

Select the Page Orientation and which rows to print. You can provide a title if desired.

Check off the fields to be listed. Keep in mind this is a Listing and not a Report. If too many fields are selected based on the Orientation chosen, fields begin to shrink in size and data can be lost from view. Click OK when done and print the output. Selecting PDF will create a file you can store for shared use. For our example, we chose Sort Field, two phone numbers and the contact's email.