Monthly Process of iATS Pledge Transactions

The iATS integration with @EASE for recurring gifts provides all reporting through the Pledge Maintenance option from the main feature bar.

To process your Pledge donations by date range use the Process option in the Pledge menu option to select the date range to be processed. 

From the Payment Method pulldown select which iATS payments to be confirmed as shown below.

The listing above shows the records which are expected to pay. The Pledge Transaction Report found under Reports\Donor Receipting will provide an audit trail of expected donations. 

To Determine if Transactions were Paid or Declined

Use the Pledge Menu to access a report from iATS Payments for the same date range to confirm payment, either iATS EFT or iATS CC. Depending on the number of transactions this report can take a few minutes to produce its information. Choose reasonable date ranges or you might be there a very long time.

Enter the date range for the iATS Journal.

The listing of transactions appears.

The report has a Result column indicating whether the payment was successful or failed. A Reject code is provided for failed donations. Please see the list of Reject codes under the iATS section of the tutorials.

Returning to the Pledge listing you can now select donations that failed to pay. If there is more than one declined transaction, after clicking on the first record, a CTRL+Click on other records will highlight them as a group. 

The Decline Codes for these gifts will always have a Retry value of NO. To enter a standard Decline value right-click outside the grid to select the Decline values.

Click the Save button on the top right-hand side of the window if all declined records are correctly identified.  Click Cancel to start over.

The list of records displayed from the iATS report can be downloaded as an Excel sheet. The button is displayed on the far right of the window and does not show here.

Once the decline codes have been entered a SAVE button will appear on the right-hand side of the window.  Click save and the rejected records will disappear.

Post the remaining records as usual.

Printed CheckList can be downloaded here .