New Features 2020 Summer

The update for Summer 2020 used Version 2020.710.

The changes reflect some client requests, an update to the list of fields included in the Q-Xpress export, and additional criteria to the Demographic report where you can not print results for Private, Corporate or Both.

Updating Batch Numbers can be done on receipt records which have been U2M (updated to master) and/or where a receipt has been printed. Updates can only be done by users with Administrator status. 

Where an entire batch needs to be changed the Other Utilities under File \ System Maintenance provides this option.  Where just a couple of batch number changes are needed, go to the Receipt window, use the Find option to locate the receipt(s) with an incorrect batch number, make the changes and Save.

Breakout Codes can be updated before a receipt is U2M and where it has not been receipted. However, where changes are required after either of these two conditions, only users with Administrator status can make the changes. This now includes Manually generated receipt numbers.

Assigning Ticket Numbers has been modified. 

Ticket numbers assignments have been adjusted to accommodate tickets where open numbers are no longer sequential.

Ie Ticket 1-10, 12-20 are assigned to purchasers. A next purchaser requires 5 tickets and the starting number assigned by the @EASE use is 11.  Eleven is open, the next open ticket is 21.  @EASE now manages this for you and the purchaser will have ticket numbers 12, 21,22,23 and 24.

The first ticket number must be one which has not be assigned.

Q-Xpress Export

We have updated Q-Xpress for a Private Selection with Suppress Mail. One of our clients found a fix we needed to include. When Suppress Mail is selected for a group of Private donors, when a Significant Other couple do not have a Suppress Mail option on either record, both records will appear.

We recommend using Q-Xpress Export whenever exporting lists for emails or letters.  Where you are able to view the .TXT extension on the Mailmerge.txt export file, all you need to change the file to one which opens in Excel is rename the file to Mailmerge.CSV.

Be sure to read previous New Features articles!

New Features 2020 Summer