Recording Auction Donations

Recording Auction Items

Items donated by private individuals can be charitable.  Donations which receive a charitable receipt must be able to prove FMV (fair market value). Donations from organizations are all non-charitable.

Auction items will be recorded with a payment method of Gift in Kind. 

As your auction items come in, you can give them a unique item number using the Ticket Number field on the Receipt screen.  We recommend adding a Mailing List code to indicate the gift category.

Enter the Amount field to show the value of the item and Receipt Notes to describe the item. When considering Bid Sheets you may receive items that can be used to create Gift Baskets. 

Please download our Gift Basket document.

The @EASE Q-Xpress Selection, Receipt Amount, Payment, Method Date with Include Amounts checked ... will provide all of the above information including the organization that donated the item so that you can build your Bid Sheets, your catalog of auction items, send a special thank you message to the donor acknowledging the item as well as create a list of donated items for next year's team.

This a sample auction donation entered in @EASE.

Features to Note:

Upon selecting the 2015 Gala Auction Donation campaign all default values populated the receipt fields.

The company is identified along with the contact person who is responsible for donation.

The Payment Method shows Gift in Kind.  This information as well as checking the Print on Receipt Gift in Kind box on the Campaign master record will ensure that the Receipt Notes print on all receipts as a Gift in Kind description.

The Breakout field shows GalaAuctn.

The Ticket Number field gives this donation an Item Number that will be used on the Bid Sheets.  We indicated that all bid numbers were unique and that the numbers could range from 1 - 100.  This was specified on the Auction Donation Campaign master.

The Mailing List field identifies the category.

Letter shows NoLetter for a corporate gift.  For private donations, with a charitable receipt, the letter would be GalaAuctn.

The Receipt Notes area is 255 characters.  This area is used to describe what the item donated is.  It should be worded so that it can be used on the bid sheets, the donor receipt, and on thank you letters.

This gift is Non-Charitable as it comes from a corporate donor. Charitable receipts can be provided for donations from private donors providing a FMV can be established.

FMV is fair market value.

Campaign Prospect Report

The Campaign Prospect Report found on Receipt is useful as it displays the number of auction donations by category. This can help to round out auction items in specific categories.  Ie We need more of category X!

Online Auctions

For Online Auctions we recommend checking out MOBILBID. The program works with with @EASE and enables the gala committee to offer particularly interesting items to a larger group of individuals.

Items can be entered into @EASE then exported to import into MOBILBID. Purchases can be exported so the charity knows who has supported the auction.

Go To MobilBid.CA