Prize Campaigns

Prize Campaign

When a charity receives exceptional prizes to offer attendees, it may be useful to place these special gifts in its own campaign so that the value of the gift does not get lost.

Prizes may used for a draw to encourage all participants to provide complete contact information.

Features to Note:

The Description of the Campaign contains the fiscal year.

The Breakout Code is Gala Prize

Charitable is left unchecked.  

Receipt Required shows No Receipt for this type of donation. 

The Letter shows NoLetter.

Print on Receipt shows that if a formal receipt is required, these fields will print on the receipt where checked.

Sponsorship or Merchandise may be selected under Donation Category shows which Donor Summary field will be updated when the gift is received and posted or U2M (Updated to Master).

Please Note: Some clients use non-charitable hardcopy receipts. If this is the case, Receipt Required would be Yes, and Print on Receipt would include both Thank You's and Gift In Kind. The Thank you message in the Profile would need to be added.