Auction Donations Campaign
If you plan to have a silent and/or live auction with your event you will want to record all gifts in an Auction Donation campaign.
Used well, this campaign will help you to create:
- Bid Sheets
- Auction Catalogue
- Receipts with gift-in-kind information
- Thank You letters for the gifts and
- Lists of what was donated for next year's Auction team
The Donation Category for auction donations is Merchandise.
Features to Note:
- The Description of the Campaign contains the fiscal year
- The Breakout Code ... specific to Gala Auctn
- Charitable is left un-checked indicating a non-charitable donation. The charitable value can be over-ridden at the time a gift is entered should the donor be a private individual.
- Receipt Required shows No. This can be over-ridden at the time a gift is entered. If no formal receipt is required, a letter receipt might be more than adequate.
- Ticket Number Unique and the Max Ticket Number fields have been used to ensure that the Ticket Number or Bid Item Number given to each auction item will be unique. One warning is to ensure the maximum Bid Item Number is big enough because once you are committed, you are committed! If you make baskets out of some items, we recommend the Mailing List shows NoBidSheet so it can be omitted. If you think you will have 100 items make the highest number 125 and add the baskets after all other entries have been entered. We have a document that will be helpful. Download
- The letter shows Gala Auction
- Print on Receipt shows that if a formal receipt is required, these fields will print on the receipt. The gift-in-kind information is found on the receipt record in the Receipt Notes field.
- Category shows which Donor Summary field will be updated when the gift is received and posted or Updated to Master.
- The letter is Gala Auction for these gifts which are charitable.
- Print on Receipt values are both checked.
- Donation Category is Merchandise
Remember to put in Thank You messages for those receipts which are charitable.
Please Note: Corporate donations should not receive a charitable receipt.