Yearly Receipts

Running yearly receipts can involve using pre-printed receipts as well as eReceipts and PDF receipts.

Before beginning, we recommend running a special utility to ensure all posted Pledge Detail records have been recorded as Yearly. This would apply to all monthly donations.

The utility is found under File \System Maintenance \Other Utilities is Update Yearly on Pledges and Receipts.

This ensures all monthly donations, or gifts where the Campaign has indicated Yearly Receipting has been properly recorded.

Important Fix: When all donations to a particular campaign have not been set up for Yearly Receipting:

If you find there are campaigns which should be listed as yearly but not all donations are yearly, possibly due to an entry error when yearly is unchecked, go to the Campaign in question under Campaign Maintenance.  Uncheck Yearly and Save.  Follow this by checking Yearly and Save again.  This will update all donations allocated to this campaign which have not yet been printed to Yearly.

Once ready, go the Year End menu selection.  This process is for:

  1. yearly hard copy receipts on the pre-printed forms.
  2. yearly PDF receipts which are printed and mailed
  3. yearly eReceipts which are emailed

Yearly Receipt Window Preprinted

Situation One:  You are printing yearly receipts on pre-printed forms.

  1. Begin by selecting from Sort by the sequence of the receipts listing to display in the centre window.  
  2. Enter the Date From and To range, which will most likely be the past calendar year. 

Note: A fundraising number is only required where you want a specific receipt to print, as in the case of a donor who may be moving and wants a receipt for what they have given so far in the current year.

  1. All receipts will be Donation type Charitable. 

The Campaign Option: On pre-printed receipts, we can print one receipt regardless of the campaign. The thank you message to one accumulated receipt is found under Organizational Defaults. The Campaign check box must be blank if you wish to continue with only one receipt for multiple yearly donations by donor. You must choose to print by Campaign or remove the check mark in the Campaign box for one all inclusive receipt before you click Process.

  1. Click the Process Button to select the receipts.
  2. We recommend printing the Yearly Receipted Donations Report. Where the report is lengthy, the output file can be sent to a PDF format for review.

If errors or omissions exist, click Select All and Delete to remove the receipt transaction record so that additional actions can be taken.

Note: You cannot add records to the Year-end process when the center window is populated.

  1. To complete the printing process of yearly pre-printed receipts, enter the starting number on the next receipt form, ensure you have the correct date and print. You do not need to print all receipts simultaneously, as you can highlight the number to be printed.

If the printer jams or pages are out of order, highlight all records and click Reset Status to start again.

  1. If all receipt numbers in red on the printed receipts forms match the numbers on the centre window, you are ready to select all and Post. This process moves the receipt number to all gifts included on the receipt. Once the posting is complete, you are done.

Situation 2: PDF and eReceipts

Both PDF and eReceipts need to have receipt numbers assigned and posted to the transactions before the pdf documents can be created. The screens are identical for each type of receipt are identical except for title at the top and the Create button at the bottom.

Enter the calendar date range to be receipted and we select a Sort sequence. Clicking Process will bring all potential receipts into the center window. 

We recommend printing the Yearly Receipt Donations Report to review for any missing values or anomalies.

At this time, before receipt numbers are assigned, you are able to remove the records from the window for any corrections to be made.  Modified records cannot be added while the center window is populated so removing all records by clicking Select All and Delete is the only option.  Begin again, once corrections are made.

If all transaction totals appear to be correct click Select All and enter the Receipt Date to be used.

If an Annual Gift Details Report is desired, click the check box.

Click Create PDF Receipt. Please note there is NO RE-SET option. Once the numbers are assigned the process is complete.

PDF Yearly Receipts

The final step for yearly PDF and eReceipts is handled through the Receipt Menu option.  In the case of PDF receipts they are printed for mailing, in the case of yearly eReceipts they can be emailed.

To Print PDF Receipts

Click on the Receipting menu option.  Select Print PDF Receipts.

Once Selected another window will appear where you can enter the Batch number range where the yearly PDF receipts are found. 

Note the Batch Number range and the Yearly Receipts box which is checked.  Click Refresh Receipt List and you have all the PDF receipts you created in the Calendar Year End process.  To print the receipt click the Preview and Print PDF button at the bottom of the window.

To Send Yearly eReceipts

Using the Receipting menu shown above, select Send eReceipts.

Note the Batch Number range and the Yearly Receipts box which is checked. Click Refresh Receipt List to show all yearly eReceipts to be printed.

Under Status we have an error message which needs to be fixed before we can continue.

The Campaign 2020MOONG does not have an appropriate Email message in its Profile. To correct this, go to the Campaign record and enter the Profile. Under the Email tab enter a thank you message and a Subject which indicates a Yearly eReceipt is being sent to the donor.

Your message will be a little more expansive than the one shown above.  Once the Campaign Email tab is updated and OK is clicked to Save the changes return to the Receipting window to send out eReceipts.

To acknowledge the change click Refresh Receipt List.

The Yearly eReceipts are now ready to Send. Highlight the ones to send and click the Email button at the bottom of the window.

Remember, you have complete copies of all eReceipts and PDF receipts in the EaseKMS folders you identified in Organizational Defaults.

In both cases, PDF and eReceipts can be re-sent from should a donor not receive them.