Sharing Donor Summaries

You may have donors on the system that are Significant Others, or you may have a donor and a small business where the donor wishes to have the benefit of all donations accumulated to one total using a Shared Donor Summary.

You can share a Donor Summary in the following ways:

  1. Between a married couple entered on @EASE as separate donors and usually set up as significant others
  2. Between a donor and a small business where the donor and the small business are basically one and the same. ie a small professional firm, or small business
  3. Between donors entered as significant others and a small business


We strongly recommend that you make a backup of your @EASE database before running any Share Donor Summary activities.

Please note, you can select which record is used as the Summary Donor. Characteristics regarding both donors are shown to help make the best join activity.

Incorrectly shared donors can be separated by running Separate Donor Summaries. We are suggesting you take extra care.