New Features 2016

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Campaign Naming Conventions

We have uploaded a new Tutorial under How To Set up Campaigns addressing naming conventions for campaigns and recommendations for recording Third Party donations and a discussion on In Memory / In Honour campaigns.

Clutter caused by incorrectly naming campaigns, reduces the opportunity to run comparative records and provides unneeded confusion.  Our cleansing service can be booked to make necessary changes

Q-Xpress: Donor Selections\ Donor by Donation Amount by Year

This selection is run by Fiscal Year.  To facilitate totals to include donations which have not been U2M (gifts which have not been added to fiscal Year totals) a checkbox has been added.

Finding Duplicate Donors

These selections will find records that may be duplicates in the database. It would not be possible to find all potential duplicates due to the way in which data may be entered but it will provide the opportunity to review records identified as potential duplicates. 

Records selected as potential duplicates will use the Profile Desc field in Q-Xpress to describe why it was selected. Please review the samples below. Keep in mind this report was based on sample data.

Modified Reports

Members with Donations Amounts

This report will show the Donation count when Donations is selection under Donation Types along with an Average gift size for the period reporting.

QuikEase Questions

How many gifts did we receive in a given date range?

This selection can now be run for specific campaigns.

Top 10 Donors by Date Range.

Shows the donor number, name and amount